
BANCC are committed to delivering excellent educational opportunities for cardiovascular nurses. We deliver educational webinars, support academic writing opportunities and run educational events.

“At BANCC council we have been working really hard to transform our educational activities and resources to better meet the needs of our members and help grow the membership. We have started a series of webinars to run throughout the year approximately every 2 months covering a diverse range of topics. We took the difficult decision to defer our annual conference to 2025 in order to bring it forward in the year to April without compromising the quality. As always this will be completely free to members and bigger and better than ever before with a wide range of workshops to reflect our diversity. We are also delighted to partner with BCS for the first joint specialist nurse symposium this year which we also plan to make an annual event. We would love to hear feedback and suggestions from members regarding all our work including our educational activities”

Charles Spencer, BANCC Education Lead

Educational Resources

Webinar Series

The BANCC webinars series is free for members to attend, with new webinar dates and topics released approximately every 2 months. BANCC Members can login to the members area to watch recordings of past webinars.

BJCN Articles

BANCC have a collaborative relationship with the British Journal of Cardiac Nurses and often write pieces for the journal. You can view past contributions from BANCC to BJCN by logging into the members area.

Annual Conference

BANCC hold an annual study day with engaging talks and sessions.

The 2025 Annual Conference will be held in Liverpool on 25/04/2025.

Professional Development Fund

BANCC recognises the importance of professional development and education. To support ongoing development of cardiovascular nurses, 20% of BANCC membership funds are made available annually to the BANCC Professional Development Fund (PDF). The PDF provides an opportunity for BANCC members to secure financial support for professional development. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Funding to support attendance of a national or international conference relevant to cardiovascular nursing (for example: BANCC Annual Conference, British Cardiology Society Annual Conference, Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions Annual EuroHeartCare Congress).

  • Funding to support study days relevant to cardiovascular nursing.

  • Funding to complete educational relevant cardiovascular nursing modules or training.

The PDF offers BANCC members the opportunity to apply for funding to enhance their knowledge and skills in cardiovascular nursing. This is a competitive process covering all activities which aim to support cardiovascular nurses in the continued professional development.